


Stop VLex with LXC command

Copy contents of Vlex into seguential file with IXB/BACKUP

Correct description of Vlex data base with IXDSCO utility
Format Vlex data base with LXF utility

Copy from backup copy of VLex tinto VLex with LXB/RECOVER

And Changed Features

An Attribute Parameter Entry HELP ( PF3 key ) window is
changed.  'The maximum numer of allowed pages is now 100
(before 5 ).

An Attribute Parameter Entry HELP ( PF3 key ) window is
implemented. It is used when the attribute value must be the
key of the occurence of any of the VLex entities.

The system( IDA VBASE and IDA VFORM ) entities are protected.

With VLex..menue utility you can. not add,-change and delete-:

the system entities or relationships, nor ocecurences of them.

Ensures correct diagnostic when VLex start failed : Errors
on VLex data base and errors on start VLex kernel program are

Add a new entity occurence : If you press 'KRETURN> on the
number of the positon where you want to add oecurence , you
place occurence to the end of entity oecureces list( before :
to the end of current page ).  <RETURN>

On the first sereen, another choice - Version is added. It
displays date and time of linking the VLex components.

On all sereens the command line and last selected funetion
remains on the sereen. You can continue adding or deleting
the occurences.

On some sereens video atributtes are changed (bolded write is