sei Lo LI —om geom To restore the Viex from default baek-up file LEXBAC.LEX, type : LXB/RECOVER Ali data of the VLex back-up file named LEXBAC.LEX will be moved into VLex. If you specify a name of the bbaek-up file, the VLex Backup Utility restore Vlex form this file BACKUP RECOVER [BACDIR]LEXSAV.LEX Data will moved from LEXSAV.LEX file on the [BACDIR] into VLEX. 4 DDIFFERENCES BEIWEEN VLEX VERSION 1.1 AND 1.2 This chapter deseribes differences between VLex version Vl.l and V1.2 . "he following ehanges are new with this release. 4.1 "Two New Utilities Are Ineluded Into VLex Distribution. The first utility LXIZEN ereate a output list of 'VLex entities and relationships instruetions. LXIZEN is a DCL foreign command : LXIZEN:-- $SYS$SYSTEM: LXIZEN With eonmand LXIZEN and parameter HELP you can see detail desription of Format and Parameters for this utility. The second utility LXDSOCO allowes to change a deseriptions of VLex date base. You can change a number of physical records for entities/relationshpis instructions and for entities/relationships occurences. - You can start this utility with DCL RUN ceomand : $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM: LXDSCO This utility is used when the VLex data base is full. Input to this utility is data base deseriptor file LEX SYSTEM:LEKSIK100.EXE. Answering Y ( yes ) program o builds the new VLex data base deseriptor. That means utility cereates the new version of LEX SYSTEM:LEKSIK100.EXE file. Procedure for correction Vlex data base :