The formal for the VLex Backup cormnand is : Operat ion Foramt Save LXB-BACKUP save-file-spec Restore LXB/RECOVER file-spec 3.1 Examples Of VLex Backup Operations The following seetions contain examples that illustrate typical commnads used to save and restore the VLex. 3.1.1 'Saving Vlex - To ereate a back-up file of the VLex, type : LXB/ BACKUP All data of VLex will be saved in a save file named LEXBAC.LEX on the current default directory. To create a back-up file named LEXSAV.LEX on the directory [BACDIR], type : LXB/BACKUP [BACDIR]LEXSAV .LEX This command directs VLex Backup to save the VLex into the save file named LEXSAV.LEX on the directory [BACDIR]. If you specify a gualifier INIT, the VLex Backup save only instructions of Vlex entities and realtionships. To create a backu-up of VLex instructions , type: LXB/BACKUP/INIT [BACDIRJLEXINST.LEX 3.1.2 MRestoring Vlex - You can restore Vlex from a back-up file. Before use restore command you must reformating the VLex (see note VLex Format/Reformat Utility).