$ LXC/ STOP If LEX SYSTEM logical name is defined in the system logical table, the command is: $ LXC/STOP-S K SME aii LINE ARE VRIEN ERA SRE OE Logical name "LEX MAIL" than disappears from the logical table RR names. ne TE o AN 2 VLEX FORMATVREFORMAT UTILITY The Vlex format/reformat utility is the standard format utility of the BASE. See Vbase manual for detail instructions about proper work. "This utility is called via: $ RUN: SYS$SYSTEM: LXF but only from the system user! . After formating the VLEX, the VLEX need to be filled with the data from the "LEX SYSTEM:OSNOVNI.LEX" file: $ LXB/REC LEX SYSTEM:OSNOVNI .LEX or filled with the data from the njo backup file. LEX is ready č for the start and operations. (See next chapter: for details about: Back-up utility).: 8 VLEX BACKUP UTILITY The 'VLex Backup utilities allows users to ereat sode topics ot ž VLex. and restore Sata from back-up eopies. Š ZE NOTE ri sa > pe Server must be stopped before ua: with Backup Ze utilities! The VLex Papp ueiitey can perform the following operations: demo oz ji 'Save data from VLex in a seguential file. 2. Restore -Vlex from seguential copy of Vlex.