1 DIFFERENCES BEIWEEN DOCUMENTATION AND PRODUCTS 1.1 'Symbol Assignes Before Stating VLEX For proper use of VLEX, there must have been an nassigment done before starting the 'VLEX. A symbol "LEX SYSTEM" must be defined on the directory, where it was defined by the distribution procedure. Example: $ ASSIGN/SYSTEM SYS$SYSROOT: [ VITLEX] LEX SYSTEM or $ ASSIGN/ GROUP DRB1:(LEXIC] LEX SYSTEM If the logical name is defined in the system logical name table, all users on the system can access the VLEX. If the logical name is defined in the group logical name table, only users of that group UIC can access the VLEX. 1.2 Starting The VLEX Before working with VLEX, the VLEX server must be activ. Server (sys$system:srvlex) is started with the command: $ LXC/START. If LEX SYSTEM logical name is defined in the system logical table, the command is: $ LXC/START-S After proper activation of the server, a logical name "LEX MAIL" is. created .in the same logical name table as LEX SYSTEM is defined. VLEX can now be started directly as $ LEKS or thru "VITRAGE" procedure, as it is described in figure 1-2 of the VLEX menue (page 1-7). It is recommended also to stop the Server after all operations are completed: