System Generation b Table 11-1 (Cont.) AUTOGEN Phase Parameters | Phase Input Files Output Files Function SETPARAMS SETPARAMS.DAT VAXVMSSYS PAR Run SYSGEN to set system parameters AUTOGEN.PAR specified by the SETPARAMS.DAT and to generate a new AUTOGEN.PAR file. Ni SHUTDOWN None None Prepare the system to await a manual reboot. 9 REBOOT None None Automatically reboot the system. Table 11-2 Execution Types . Type Meaning at RE EEA Ve VERE SEVE INITIAL Specifies that AUTOGEN is being executed as part of an initial system installation. The SAVPARAMS phase is never executed in this case. € V4UPGRADE | Specifies that AUTOGEN is being executed as part of an upgrade from a Version 4.n system or that interactive tuning is being performed. V4UPGRADE is the default execution type. V3UPGRADE Specifies that AUTOGEN is being executed as part of an upgrade from a Version 3.n system to a Version 4.n system. , The commands and examples in the next sections illustrate AUTOGEN procedures you would use to adjust a typical Version 4.4 system after an upgrade. ša DTTEITJ Collecting Data for AUTOGEN Calculations To collect the data AUTOGEN needs to perform its calculations, issue the following command: č $ OSYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS GETDATA This command instructs AUTOGEN to » Create OLDSITE«.DAT files that store system parameter data from the < current system ke e Collect system version, identification, and hardware configuration data « Collect user-specified data, if any, from MODPARAMS.DAT (see Section 11.4) « Write data to a PARAMS.DAT file for use in subseguent calculations or propagation to the new svstem Example 11-1 shows a typical PARAMS.DAT file. The first group of items is a list of AUTOGEN's conclusions about the system version, system ID, and hardware components. (Table 11-3 defines these items.) You should scrutinize the Boolean items to verify that AUTOGEN has drawn the correct conclusions about your hardware configuration. 11-3