i System Generation If you are satisfied with the data in PARAMS.DAT, further adjustments are probably unnecessarv. If, on the other hand, you need to correct configuration data or modify system parameters to accommodate special conditions at your site, invoke AUTOGEN as described in the next section and follow the PRPRAO outlined in Sections 11.3 and 11.4. 11.2 Invoking AUTOGEN You can invoke AUTOGEN any time after an installation or an upgrade to reset parameter values and system file sizes. The new values and file sizes take effect the next time the system is bootstrapped. To ensure that you have the reguired privileges, invoke AUTOGEN from the system manager's account. The format is: $ 7SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN [start-phase) [end-phase] [execution-type] You can enter up to three parameters to designate the AUTOGEN operation e you desire. All parameters are optional; however, missing leading parameters must be replaced by null arguments (that is, ""). Table 11-1 lists the phase parameters and their effects, including the files needed as input and the files created or changed for output. Table 11-2 summarizes execution types. Al] files except VMSIMAGES.DAT reside in the directory specified by the SYS$SYSTEM logical name. VMSIMAGES.DAT resides in SYS$SMANAGER. The start phase must either precede or be identical to the end phase according to the seguence shown in Table 11-1 (the end phase defaults to the same value as the start phase). GENPARAMS is the default start phase; GENFILES may not be specified as the start phase. se oza — -—-Table11-1 AUTOGEN Phase Parameters — Phase. Input Files —- Output Files Function SAVPARAMS None OLDSITE".DAT — Save significant old parameters for propagation and update. GETDATA OLDSITE".DAT PARAMS. DAT Collect all data that will be reguired x MODPARAMS.DAT by the GENPARAMS and GENFILES ce phases, including configuration data, old se parameters, and site-specific items. GENPARAMS PARAMS.DAT : SETPARAMS.DAT Generate new system parameters; create VMSIMAGES.DAT the installed image list. TESTFILES PARAMS.DAT SYS$OUTPUT Display the system page, swap, and dump file sizes calculated by AUTOGEN. (See Section 11.4 if you wish to specify sizes.) GENFILES PARAMS.DAT PAGEFILE.SYS Generate new system page, swap, and SWAPFILE.SYS dump files if appropriate. Cannot be SYSDUMP.DMP specified as the start phase. 11-2