The Small Buffer, Volume 527, l May 1980 Š a RSX-11M V3.2 JOHN L. HENNING, WPS DEVELOPMENT, CENTRAL COMMERCIAL ENGINEERING, MKl-2/G1g | | 42 ot 2 | . 3. SISVMR.CMD allocates space in DRVPAR for ALL loadable - drivers selected. If you don't need all of them all of the time, don't load them tin VMR and don't allocate space for them in DRVPAR (thereby saving both memory and pool). Instead, use the MCR command LOAd as needed. Use /HIGH and /PAR to avoid nmery fragmentation -- for example, | L | LOA DX:/PARSGEN/HIGH CAUTION: Memory fragmentation can be a worse problem h $ than wasted memory. Loading on an as-needed basis is helpful only if both the following conditions are met: 1) The driver is not needed very often; 2) The users who issue the LOAD command know how to avoid fragmentation--i.e. they've read the documentation of the LOAD command, understand /HIGH and /PAR, and know -how to run RMDEMO. 4. (As described in the Software Dispatch issue of Mareh, 3 1980, the gueue manager system can be reduced from 32K words to just over (12K words by rrebuilding without the PAR task builder directives. Or, you can achieve the same effect by REMoving the tasks and re-INStalling with /INC:0. 5. COT... and ...RMD, too, are built to an over-large 8K i words. Remove and install with zero inerement. 6. If VT52 support is all that is needed for an RMDEMO program, the old RMD52 from version 3.1 is adeguate. Retrieve it from a V3.1 kit, and re-build under V3.2, to yield a 1.5K word task. Since RMD52 doesn't have all the features of the new program, we keep both versions on our system: RMD52 installed as ...RMD, and the version 3.2 RMDEMO installed as RMDBIG. Of Course, use of the old V3.1 RMDEMO program under V3.2 is UNSUPPORTED. 26