zožaša ko Rd Ke soj AE a lo ŠE no s ŠINKO pie Š is bre PRIPADE NOE V oe Se jao The Small Buffer, Volume 533, 12 June 1980 ) RSX-11M V3.2. ; : 2 mt si RSX-llM-PLUS V1.$ ; si of 1 JAS V3.A FORTRAN IV V2.2 LINKING FCSRES TO FORRES OR F4PRES c Fortran and Fortran [IV-PLUS users who want to reduce the sire of their respective resident libraries can do zo ov linkins either FORRES or FA4AFPRES to FCSRES (File Control Services Rezsident Libreru)« ' ra order to lirik . either resident librsruv to FOSREŠ tne user must: first allocate enough seace' at task build time to allow FCSRES to. he marred. To do this the user must: specifs 3 lower base address far the s j ; EDETRAN or FORTRAN IV-PLUS resident libraru than wouid he narmelle sprecifie« bom vak yf. no-linking to FOSRES3 was gdoins to be done, The base address to be used : ec š uiil varu derendins on the sgire'of FOSRES but if the size of" FORRES ar, E APRES is BK words and the size of FCSRES is dK uords the base address used at task build time will be 120000 instead of the normal 1400600. The sire o" sither FORRES OS F4AFRES should be (the same ile, 40000); The followins examrle shows how tc build a FORTRAN IV V2.2 resičderil liararsi >MAC FORREJSFORRES/-SP-FORRES OO GASSEMBLE FORRES m >TKE s. SKEM yo. TKEČC1/i1FORRES/-HD/-PI,FORRES/-SP:L111FORRESSFORRES,I1,1JFORIT3/LA TKB:/ č | EI ea ENTER OPTIONSI | - TKBSSTACKZO . sa RI TKESPARZFORREBI120000:40009 . TNBELIPRSFCSRESIRO OTKB>Z/ 5 ; noto... ASSUMPTIONS $ | FORRES is 8X words, FOSRES is 4k words. gi . FCSRES wzs alreads created and installed.