Ro | | 4 RSX-1lM/S - RSX-llM-PLUS Software Dispatch, September 1980 | RSX-lIM V3.2 Seg N | DRIVERS FDX-TTDRV 1 a 1 i dl NOTE ON USING TERMINAL DRIVER SUBFUNCTION TF.RCU (SPR ll-26495 DD) PROBLEM STATEMENT Terminal Driver subfunction TF.RCU does not work as described in the i manval. | [ RESPONSE | Note that the restore cursor position subfunction (TF.RCU) will oniy work correctly if the terminal driver knows the exact position of the cursor. Although the driver attempts to accurately maintain the £ursor co-ordinates, nit is not always possible to accomplish this. For example, if a task outputs a cursor positioning escape seguence, the driver cannot interpret the seguence to track the new Ccursor location. Write-pass-all output is not tracked at all. In addition, turning a terminal off and on may reset the cursor to home position without the driver's knowledge. Before using the TF. RCU subfunction, to get back into synchronization, it is therefore best to use the driver's cursor positioning feature (via the VFC parameter) to set both the terminal and driver cursor co-ordinates to a fixed location. 29 NARA NJENI NINE SENA A INKA AJ UIAA P UAJAJA IAEA