RSX-11M/S - RSX-11M-PLUS Software Dispatch, September 1980 RSX-11M V3.2 ; Seg N DRIVERS FDX-TTDRV 2 2 o£ Z 02: Tne Full Duplex Terminal Driver will attempt to buffer both input and output reguests to allow the task to be cneckpointed, How do .I1 disable this feature if it is causing thrashing in my system? A23 -o Tne driver stops a task while it per£forms terminal I/0, Cneckpointing will ocevr only if there is contention for the memory the I/0 hound task occupies, Thrashing between many tasks performinoa terminal I/0 can ocecur and will degrade system response due to excessive checkpointing, especially if the I/0 reguests are for single characters, To disable stopping and checkpointing a task performing terminal input, ehande line 134 of the module m, MAC which reads: BCS — UNBI C' .z75/'— RN e JUMP to INPRIJDAZ$ na ,'J889941-3 : primtare?sh I01 zdjitoplis: sroni s: BR UNBI 7DISALLOW ČHECKPOTNTING DURING INPUT To disable stoprnina and checkpointing a task performing terminal output, ehange line 811 o£ the module TTRW,MAC which :'readst 8C6 "US CLR16 »$YIIH JN » JUMP te 1 neživi BR CLR16 1DISALLOW CHECKPOINTING DURING OUTPUT Note that a read with prompt £funetion is considered an output reguest wben the check for buffering is made, 033 . When a remote (dialeup) line is answered, the characteristics of :" tne line are reset and the speed is changed to a rate specified at SYSGEN, How can I disable the resetting of the spoj eharacteristics and baud rate? vi A33 Tne regetting of the line characteristics is done by routine MANS in the module TTMOD,MAC (line 167), To maintain the line parameters across dialvins or to reset them to a particular setting, modify lines 167 through 178 appropriately, Note that this routine returns tne Cebit clear, so make sure that any local modifications adhere to this, Also note that line 173 is where the speed is reset, This line should be commented out (place a semiscolon before it) to not af£ect the baud rate, In addition, to maintain tbe baud rate constant, the following line should also be commented out? If your remote lines are interfaced through a DHeji, comment out line 594 o£ the module TTYH,MAC, which readss MOV — TSSMAN,LPR(R3) 333SET LINE PARAMETERS If your remote lines are inter£aced through a DZei1, comment out line 190 o£ the module TTYZ,MAC, whieh readsi kov 0SP,LPR(R3) JLOAD PARAMETERS | TAM GG Re ee eo KANA veno peči oze ae 28