RSX-llM/S - RSX-lIM-PLUS Software Dispatch, September 1980 tie Bau RSX-1IM V3.2 . Seg N DRIVERS ug FDX-TTDRV m ; l of 2 ssatr:xa FULL DUPLEX TERMINAL DRIVER OUESTIONS ANSWERED. (SPR ll-89929Z DD) A13 How do IT select the size of the driver'"s partition, called ta - ka si, <3 4 m AM EP bei Slava va NE oniuasvik oAlavao si 1b bi s; v uin3 isar5 The following is a compilation of answers to often asked guestions about the Full Duplex Terminal Driver. These procedures are pro- TEA vided for information only and are unsupported. z ag ša o TTPAR in RSXejiM systems, or TTCOM for RSXeliiMePLUS Systems? By default, SYSGEN sets tne size o£ TTPAR (TTCOM) to BK words, but it can usually be made smaller, TTPAR contains code plus a private buffer pool, which is allocated in 20 word ehunks for typeahead bu£fers, (C8 extensions, and I/O0 buffers, Since the amount o£ I/0 buffers reguired depnends on both system activity and the length of the I/0 redauests, an exact sizinao guideline cannot be given, NA rouah algorithm £or determining ; the size of TTPAR is: zda ta mi m nč Kal (73 PEC % (20 % T) % (60 8 A) z Od 4; si Ro? Where; P is the size of TTPAR in decimal words C is tne code size of the driver (from the line "TASK IMAGE SIZE" in [1,34] TTDRV,MAP) —T is the number of terminals in tne system A is the average number of I/0 reanuests pending at any time The above formula can be used to determine the size of TTCOM £or RSXe]1MePLIS systems by setting C z 0 (since the code is strictiy Instruction space and TTCOM is strictly Data space), 2 The value obtained for P is in decimal words; convert to octal A da byvtes/100(8) for tne TTPAR SET /MAIN command, For MePLIIS Systems, Convert P to octal words and use the result as the argument £or the /SIZE switch of the VMR LOAA command. h t . If space is exhausted in TTPAR (TTCOM), the terminal driver will ita attemot to use orimary p00l, so i£ you're short on system pool, pad TTPAR (TTCOM) for comfort, i: iPBg9Tt.9) Tne following answers involve Changina code within the driver, It is recommended that a correction file be created to apply the Changes stated, although it is possible to make the changes with ZAP or OPEn, The line numbers cited refer to version i of the aPProvriate module, All the modules reside in (11,10), »HO a ipvosr ši heh s. be a to idw JAM,NETI slubok sej ta ko Z ORSTINANAS TJ TIGA (fadad,tame7. ENOM »EI»SO p dpuotij besatisini sm zeažf sjonsi rut "83 džidv JJAM,ŠTIT sjubam ari žo Jr sali Iy5 ?nsakc BRATINAGAG GAOIT. —.—(fajaci, Jas vom