RSX-11M/S - RSX-1lM-PLUS Software Dispatch, January 1981 RSX-1IM v3.2 UTILITIES sš BRU sa Seg M 1 o£ 5 BRU HANGS OR CREATES AN INCORRECT INDEX FILE BITMAP (SPR ll-31$26 DD) PROBLEM pe paje STATEMENT BRU may hana when transferrina a very large contiauous file, or nay Create an incorrect index file hitmap on the output volume, RESPONSE The following is a cumulative pateh for the file BRUHEAD,OBJ, Tne above problems are corrected by the patcnes with ,IDENT /01,7/ and /01,8/, When submittina any BRU SPRS, an LRR listing (LBR RRU,OLB/FU) should be included to show the patceh level of BRU modules, Create the file BRUHEAD,PAT3 » TITLE BRUHEAD i š z z COPYRIGHT (C) 1979, 1980 DIGITAL EOUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MASS, 01754 zast, MODIFICATIONS 01.1 - CORRECT CUNTIGUOJS FILE ALLOCATION 01.2 - RESTORE FULL FILE A1TRIBUTES WHEN TRANSFERRING TO A zo