j RSX-1lM/S - RSX-llM-PLUS Software Dispatch, January 1981 RSX-llM V3.2 Seg M UTILITIES H BRU 5 of£ 5 Cup $8UF2410,$LAB%4 3 LAST COMPARE BNE 1508 208: CALL READTP % READ UNTIL HDR1 ENCOUNTERED WTSE$S $EFN9 CMPB STPSTA,4IE,DAO 3 DATA OVERRUNS ARE BOOT BLOCKS BEO0 208 3 IF SO KEEP GOING RETURN 1506: TST (SP)» 3 ADJUST STACK JMP POPA »END Assemble TAPEIO,PAT to create TAPEIO,POB3 >SET /UICz(74,40) ŽMAC TAPEIO,POB,TAPEIOSTAPEIO,PAT Extract the module TAPEIO,OBJ31 from tne library (1,20JBRIJ,0L83 apply the patch, assign your target task build output disk to TK: and -rebuild BRU, >LBR TAPEIO,O8J313([(1,20)BRU,OLB/EX3TAPEIO >PAT TAPEIO,OBJ;25TAPE£I0,0BJ31/C81113475,TAPEIO,POB/CS1161254 >SET /UIC2(1,20) >LBR BRU/RPzZ(74,40]TAPIO,OBJ32 >ASN ddn2sTK: >TKR e[1,20)BRUBLD