di NEGE gi psx-11M/S - RSX-1IM-PLUS Software Dispatch,. January 1981 He UTILITIES Poišae BRU lof 2 BRU TAPE LABEL PADDED WITH NULLS (SPR ll-3$9794 LK) PROBLEM STATEMENT 8RU didn"'t pad the tape label correctly in the ANSI VOL1 record when the tape label had less than 6 characters, This caused problems when RRU did a verify or comnare operation or when we made an attempt to mount or dismount the tape, H RESPONSE Tne following is a cumulative pateh with ,IDENT /01,2/ correctina the parsina algorithm. | Create tne file [74,40J]BRUPAR,PAT3 » TITLE BRUPAR | 1 COPYRIGHT (C) 1980 ) DIGITAL EOUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MASS, | , | 1 MODIFICATIONS | H | J 01.1 » SET PROPER BIT FOR /WINDOWS OUALIFIER J 01.2 - PUT BLANKS INTO THE LAREL FIELD »IDENT. /01,1/ | .PSECT »BLK,z, s SETO12,BLK,45470 | | ,