Information seg. no.: 2.0.6 Tnis information superseedes seg. no. 2.0.5 TO an CE tam OE cez OT ten Nate: OJD-May-87 Module involved: S4:(1,S54JNRURV,ISK Utility used: ZAP Information contents: How to disable auto-sizing mecnhanism for HR: drives Clonfigurstions supported! (values are given in octal radix) Type Blocks Heads Sectors Headskasectors AX40 d poog405o 40 240 kMO3 S ALJO (00 40 240 s Plo0- bo 4, 3005 5 40 240 ⏠Pi6O-5 4, 2300 12 40 500 ES00 Bb), 0 20 40 1000 Note: Patch nave to be implied to the already configured driver i.e. to the UDRURV.ISK and to number of drives configured. Patch contents: ; [1,S54J1UDRURV.ISK/ZAB 3:1114/ sOGJV 240 , lisable auto-sizing mechanism 240 313744;0R ; Set relocatiori base to start of lst UÄE Ora s odet UKOS Uype Lo EL60-5 4 z LEN nign parv 12 , Nunter of heads (for online formatter) [3 0,14/ 2300 s; Number of blocks (4,2300) 0,36/ 12 ; Nunter of heads 40 , Number of sectors 300 ;, Heads A sectors O,02;0K ;, Set relocation base to start of Ĺžrud UÄE OE 2N ; UCB length is 52(8) 4 z, bet URI: type to EP60-E o ; Number of heads | 0,14/ s ,AAANEWAXA 2300 ; Number of blocks (4,2300) O, 367 Mi) ; Number of neads 40 ; Nunber of sectors 240 , Heads A sectors Kepeat for all configured drives. NON ga OE aa Nea EN aa NO OE NOE SEE OE MRENE ME NE nag O ga ME NEO MEN Sa a 6 ga 00 eo RE AE nan 02 ÄO ER A SRE OE RN RE NA A A Re 00 Ob NE SEE ÄE am OE 3 âŹZ 41 V NR ATINA X