Name: Instruction For Bloomington Controls 1. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCIIONS STEP BY STEP DOING EXACTLY AS TOLD. PLEASE . FILL-IN VALUES ON THIS SHEET WHEN REOUESTED! 2, "There are no right or wrong answers. The purpose of this exercise is simply to highlight that we each have our own means for comprehending organizational data. Your responses will be discussed but not identi- fied with you individually. Please approach this exercise seriously and place yourself, to the best you can, into the situation. 3. Please record in the following blank the current time of day: 0 4. Now read the instructions on the attachment and respond as reguested. Show all work, even intermediate steps. A seguence of diagrams can be submitted, if so, clearly indicate the seguence. Use your own paper for the drawings. Be legible but you do not have to produce professional images. Take as much time as you believe is necessary to respond. Re- turn to steps 5, 6, 7 and 8 after completing your work. 5. Please record in the following blank the current time of day: 6. Are you familiar with any actual situation such as that described in Bloomington Controls? If so, please briefly explain your involvement/ LI role in such (e.g., worked as a sales clerk, have been an engineer for such products, etc.). If no familarily simply write NONE. Lov, v, v v, v,v,v, v NANJ TVI e 7. Please circle the phrase below which best describes the confidence you have that your diagram(s) explain the essence of the database for the sit- uation presentd. Very confident Very unconfident Fairly confident Fairly unconfident somewhere in-between .8. Finally, please take a few moments to suggest in the space below (1) ZpĀ£or- mation that could have been in the situation description that would,have made it easier for you to develop your database and (2) what aspects of (or concepts involved in) constructing your diagram(s) were the most diffi- cult for you to handle? Use the back side of this page if necessary.