ENEPRGX INTERNATIONAL DATA SHEET Your group is a cormittee made up of the General Managers of Energy International, a yovng, mediun-sized, growing organization. The prime mission of E.I. is to locate and develop mineral claims (cop- per, uranium, cobalt, etc.).. The company's business has grovn very rapidly, especially in South America, where your organization has been made welcome by the gov- ernments. In a recent meeting, the board of directors decided to develop a new property near Fortaleza, in northeastern Brazil. This operation will include both mining and milling production. The date is April 1, 1972. You have come from your respective plants in different locations. This is the initial session of your annual ( meeting. Your first order of business today is to select a new Cen- eral Manager for the Brazilian plant from among the candidates on the attached list. s Fortaleza, Brazil, has a hot climate, one railroad, a scheduled air- line, a favorable balance of trade, a feudal attitude toward women, considerable unemployment, a low educational level, a low literacy rate, and a strongly nationalistic regime. The government has ruled that the company must employ Brazilians in all posts except that of manager. It has also installed an official inspector, who will make a monthly report which must be countersigned by the General Manager. By law, the General Manager must have had at least three years' experience as a manager in charge of a mining operation. There. are a number of schools offering a degree in mineralogy, a degree essential to gualify for General Membership in the Institute 0 of Mineralogy. The smaller universities reguire three, the larger four, of the following special subjects as a part of their graduation reguirements: geology, geophysics, oceanography, paleontology, seis- mology. The smallest is a women's university. ROJ NEO REJ RA ENE RJE REN A a