| h ENERGY INTERNATIONAL PROBLEM SOLUTIOX o o Language Nane Age Education Nationality Spoken Experience a a p EEENEOREENOENNNH Iilin 35 N. Y. School of Mines | American Portuguese . 2 years kule 42 N. Mex. Inst. of Earth Science American Portuguese 7 years Gadolin 41 N. Y. School of Mines O American Portuguese 6 years Sarar 33 Mass. Inst. of Sciences American Portuguese 5 years Lute 36 N. Y. School of Mines 0 American No Portuguese 9 years Noddy 43 St. Francis University American Portuguese 14 years Lanta 36 Mass. Inst. of Sciences Canadian . Portuguese 4 years a a a a a O AEO EEA AAERAEEAAEAERAEEEEEEAANRWAEVEWEEEEEEEAEEENEEENEOVOEEEEREEEEREEREENERROAENEERHOERREREEREEEEREREENI The New Mexico Institute of Farth Sciences and St. Francis University reguire three special subjects for graduation and are, therefore, smaller than the Massachusetts Institute of Sciences or the New York School of Mines. St. Francis is not the smallest; therefore, the New Mexico Institute of Earth Sciences must be. This makes N.M.I.E.S. a women's university. Brazilians hold a feudal attitude toward women. Seismology and paleontology are essential for General Membership. St. Francis does not offer seismology; therefore, no graduate of St. Francis can gualify for General Membership. None of the Brazilian staff understands English, nor do the government inspectors; therefore, before the General Manager can countersign the inspector's report, he must be able to read Portuguese. eh candidate except Gadolin is disavali£ted because he lacks the gualifications outlined.