.2- - in a modern world tnere is much more urgent to adopt and apply metnods as much adeguate as possible to the problem being sub- ject to solving, e.i. we nave to ereate problem-oriented metho- dology; - the corresponding information NA a should embrace efficient and relevant data bases, which is a severe guestion in economics and business; - decisions should be made on Hyesteday-today-tomorrow" principle; - global and subglobal (partial) solutions should be brought to- getner (decomposed and decentralised control) - economic and business problems are calling for the principle of sinergy to be pursued whenever possible; . we need flexible and sensitive management in order, to decrease . the entropy; - our approach is process-oriented (stochastic, generalized pro- cesses, ultrastochastic); - "open-ended" and "evolutionary'" properties of the corresponding control models are badly needed; - jt is to be redefined what we have usually had in mind wnenever talking about dynamics, e.i. we introduce a concept of 'meta- dynamics"; - up-dated history of all processes on one hand and predictive property of our general approach lead us to so called "fjuid modeling"; - - multicriteria and multigoal modeling philosophy is defined on a set of generalised processes. The above reguirements and guide-lines, illuminating the main implementational features of corresponding software packages (as final results), help us to eharacterize the whole group of researcn items proposed in an unigue way. Tnis group of prob- lems amounts to development of informatics in economices, business