EKONOMSKA FAKULTETA BORISA KIDRICA Boris Kidrič Department of Economics Edvard Kardelj University of Ljubl jana . An Overall Identification of Joint Research Proposal to SUNY, USA The following proposals have been recently given as to the joint research activities between Ekonomska fakulteta Borisa Kidriča (Ljubljana) and SUNY (New York): 1. a methodology of optimal economic fusion and optimal design. of business organisations 2. a multidimensiona] assignment problem 3. a multidimensional data base 4. a computer-oriented international economic relations modeling 5. continuously adaptive on-line manag ement and control of miero- economic systems This group of researcn items belongs to the field of informatics in economics, or, more precisely, to the field of computer assis- : ted support in decision making and problem solving. In extension, UE a series of preliri!inary research projects have identified these key problems in the field of economics, business and organisation. They are based on the through examination of tne relevant up to date literature and matehed to real life physionomy of these prob- lems in practice. The results of preliminary studies and tests are encouraging enough to set about the systematic study, deve- lopment and implementation of the results followed in the spirit of the following guide-lines: - decisions in general snould be based on more than one single information; - the classical causality principle (determinism) should be repla- ced by the generalized causality principle (stochasticity) and even by that of ultrastmhasticity (ehaos);