Human ability to receive and process information is considered to be the key personality characteristic that has a strong influence on individual decision strategy. It also plays an important role in the psychological theories of personality and cognition that may be useful in the information processing behavior. The dimensions of personality, cognitive styles and decision-making styles are important variables in information processing and decision making strategies. Some of them have been very often and successfully used in the information system research, notably the personality type classification based on Jungian personality theory and basic personality dimension model based on big five-factor theory. Both personality models are supported by efficient technigues of personality assessment, for example Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the measures of big five factors (NEO-PI-R; BFO) fitting the relevant psychometric criteria (validity, reliability, objectivity and sensitivity). H končnim alineam predlagam, da se doda po četrti alinei še ena in sicer: « What effects do basic personality dimensions have on the use of color in information presentations? Prilagam še rezime in seznam relevantnih publikacij: Resume Prof. Dr. Janek Musek University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology Aškerčeva 2 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Janek Musek studied psychology in the University of Ljubljana, where he also received PhD (1976) and entered job as assistant (1970), assistant professor (1977), and associate professor or docent (1981) of general psychlogy. Since 1988, he is full professor of general psychology at the Department of pychology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Ljubljana. The syllabus of his courses includes introduction to psychology, personality, cognitive psychology and history of psychology. He also took positions of head of Department of psychology, vice-dean of faculty of Arts and Sciences and vice-rector of the University of Ljubljana. Janek Musek is the current leader of the major research group for psychological research in the national research program. He is also one of the founders of the Institute of Personality Psychology. In his previous research he was engaged in fifteen basic research project, mostly as the project leader or principal investigator. The major research fields of Janek Musek are personality theory and personality assessment, cognitive psychology, and, more specific, symbolism (icluding color symbolism and color preferences), decision making processes and value-systems. His most recent work is related to the elaboration of the comprehensive model of human