EVALUATION OF INFORMATION IN MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SYSTEMS 4. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Informatin has long been known as an important asset in business and public administration, so a lot of research work was done in order to explore and define some of its properties and character- istics. But the body of knowledge is still inadeguate comparing to the impact of information on decision making and its importan- ce in management environment. Recentiy, information was recognized in business and administration as a strategic Corporate resource which made the need for research in this field even more urgent. We believe there are at least three important issues to be inves- tigated and explored concerning the information needed for management support. These are: - the modes of information presentation and their impact on decision making, - the guality of information in management support environment, - the information evaluation. 1.A form of information presentation research draft pragram. A significant amount of research has been done (Edwards and Bell,1967; Brown and Kennej by; 1972; Tomassini,1977) ip srder 69 determine what information should be provided to Support decision making. Little effort has been focused showever, on examining the issues on how that information should be presented to individual decision makers. The researchers at the School of Business at Indiana University, Bloomington state that the effects ot different forms of information presentation on performance is dan important area of research with potentially significant implications for decision making and management. Indeed, it has recently been established in U.S.A. that the form and color nin which information is presented affects decision making performance, what has generally been ignored in past empirical research (DeSanctis,1984). Many researchers (Bertin,1973,1983; DeSanctis,1984; Benbasat and Schroeder,1977) have pointed out the importance for controlling for task characteristics when performance with different forms of presentation is examined.