TE DAS PES TEA ETIL We consider splitting entities with optional arrows and merging those with similar relationships. indicate solutions that are likely, but not absolutely certain. They warn us to investi- gate further. Consider the following database de- sign for a pipe-tobacco wholesaler. Cut to- bacco is stored in warehouses and distributed in trucks. The location/blend record tells how many pounds of one tobacco blend there are at a specific warehouse. If there are 20 warehouses and 50 blends in all, we could have up to 1,000 occurrences of this record (perhaps not every blend will be stored at each location). Any blend may be shipped or received many times. Similarly, each truck may be involved in many movements. But, by definition, each movement repre- sents an occasion where a single location's inventory of a blend was either increment- ed because tobacco arrived or decremented because some was sent off. Also, each movement involves only one vehicle. User informatnn Now there's a data design methodolo- g9y for structured analysis that takes advantage of the best of the data-oriented sys- tems design technigues. Logical Data Design for Structured s?" Analysis, a new five-day seminar from Ken Orr 8 Associates, Inc., will teach you how to logically develop a fully normalized data base without the frustrations of classic normalization. The situation seems straightfor- ward. The fields in the location/blend rec- ord include location number, blend number, inventory balance, and the like. Truck record holds vehicle number, cargo capacity, miles-since-maintenance, etc. And movement contains date, guantity shipped, and an in-or-out flag. But doesn't the truck-to-movement arrow mean each movement must involve a truck? Think about transferring tobacco within a location. Many pipe tobaccos are produced by blending others—that's why they're called blends. The process is one of simply shoveling a measured amount from one hopper to another and, though it cer- tainly affects the inventory balances, no ve- hicle is involved. The truck-movement relationship is then optional in some sense. Only one truck is involved in any ship- ments that go by truck, but some shipments do not involve trucks at all. The optional arrow is a warning that the movement box, in an information modeling sense, could represent two funda- mentally different entities. Redrawing it as two boxes, we have: "The Missing Link" System Processing Model 4 a Logical t Logical ", Dala Model Dala -—.. Working from your system data flows, you will use steps from Ken Orr's Data Structured Systems Development (DSSD") methodology to build a logical data model that can easily be translated to any physical DBMS environment. DSSD logical data design makes explicit the implicit link between structured analysis and detailed design. L ogical Data Design for Structured Analysis — The Missing Link. Jan 13-17 Atlanta Aug. 23-29 Chicago Mar. 24-28 Portland Nov, 10-14 Kansas City May 5-9 Washington Call tolktree for more informalion: 800/255-2459 1725 Gage Blvd., Topeka, Ks. 66604 Ken Orr 8% Associates, Inc. CIRACLE 64 ON READER CARD 430 DATAMATION Shipment and transfer tell about dif- ferent real-world events. As we refine the design further, their record layouts con- tinue to diverge until, eventually, we find the only data common to both are date and guantity. Our first indication of their duality was that optional arrow. Now look at the arrow between lo- cation/blend and transfer. We can't say each transfer is associated with only one lo- cation/blend because the transfer event af- fects two different balances. It decrements the inventory balances and increments the location/blend balance it goes to. The diagram does not mean that each transfer is related twice to the same location/blend, by the way. On the con- trary, each transfer has two different rela- tionships with two different location/blend record occurrences—a "from" relationship with one and a "to" with the other. Merging records with similar rela- tionships is basically the reverse of the pro- cess just described. For example: Both intersection records, inbound shipment and outbound shipment, hold the same data elements and are related to ev- erything around them in precisely the same way. This situation warns us to look at them more closely and see if they're not really modeling the same class of real- world event. Next time, we'li look at hard sets, soft sets, and summary fields. e Frank Sweet is corporate manager of data administation for the Charter Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Z oma,