| Conceptual relationships are a starting point for RE defining physical relationships. A RA ALA TRE raje s — nn rji parts. We are missing the record for a pur- chase order's line item. Therefore, the dia- gram would look something like this: Z PURCHORO era : Each purchase order may include many line items, but each line item is on Only one PO. Similarly, a part number can be on many line items (in different POs), but each line item is for only one part number. In short, a two-headed arrow is meaningful because it indicates a many-to-. many relationship. but it is a symptom that there's an entity missing. A hidden record exits which, when found, forms the inter- section of the two records already identi- One last thought: whenever a two- headed arrow is replaced with a new inter- section entity, review the other relation: ships in which the original parent entities were involved. Look at each arrow pointing toward the parent boxes and consider its meaning. You may find it is more appropri- ately drawn pointing to the newly formed intersection box than to the original parent box. The relationship still carries the same meaning, but moving it to point to the new box makes the diagram more precise. Each inspection department can be involved with many purchase orders. The fact that their involvement ("inspection date," "guantity rejected," etc.) is at the level of individual line items can be re- vealed in three steps. Start by identifying the many-to- INSPECTION DEPARTMENT PURCHORD bi ih PARTNUM Reconsider the relationship between inspection department and purehase order. Ri INSPECTION DEPARTMENT PUACHORO Hay €] PARTNUM fied. When you find a many-to-many situ- ation in file design, feel free to tag it with ATTOWS at each end. Remember, though, it Hi means we are not finished. Find the missing K intersection record, break the arrow in two, h insert the intersection, reverse the broken m: pieces of arrow, and the two-headed rela- tionship will vanish. HI h RTV. toni gt tree ikone Next time, we'll review the second basic manipulation, merging entities with the headless arrow. e INSPECTION DEPARTMENT many relationship. ad Mi PARTNUM Identify and draw the intersection entity. a Frank Sweet is corporate manager of data acministration for the Charter Co., Jacksorville, Fla. šč pali k? K : l ing? ROM, ori Ba st and geographe area? tumover rate for your « the average dp s the trend in benefit e the pay scale rang? e the annual employ' or location? DATAMATION research reports have the answers. We regularly survey our 183.000 readers around the world about their operations, and detailed statistical reports of these studies are now available. The 1984 DATAMATION Salary Survey, including 160 pages of tables covering 43 dp job categories in 18 geographic areas and 11 different industry catego- ries. is available for $100. The 1984 DATAMATION Budget Survey report and executive summary, including 261 pages of tables cross tabulated by 11 industry categories and 16 line items of the typical DP budget, is only $100. For further information contact Laune Schnepf, director of research, Technical Publishing Co., 875 Third Ave., New York. NY 10022. TO: Laurie Sehnepf, Research Director, Technical Publishing 875 Third Ave., New York, NY 10022. Please send me copies of: —— he 1984 DATAMATION Salary Survey, at $100 each. ——he 1984 DATAMATION Budget Survey, at $100 each. A check is enciosed for $. š Please send the material to: Your name —5—<—<5<—— v v vv v, v Title —o o o v,v, .-,'2v>,,"2—,,-, Company name "—— nn v... vy, o Address O—— Ia ninja ča o a o, ! 138 -GAMALON