literatura: 1/ Blejec dr, Marjan, Statistične metode za ekonomiste (Ekonom- ska fakulteta, Ljubljana 1974) 2/ Bratt E,C,, Business Forecasting (MoGraw-Hill, New York, 1958) 3/ Brown, G, Robert, Smoothing, Forecasting and Prediction of Disorete Time Series, (Prentice-Hall, London 1964) 4/ Frankovič dr. Vlado, O metodah planiranja (Razprava na posve- tovanju o planiranju, Portorož, 1973 ER, Ljubljana, 1973) 5/ Leskovar, dr. Silvin in grupa sodelavcev, Metode prognoziranja poslovnih pojavov (Raziskovalni center Eko- nomske fakultete, Ljubljana 1975) 6/ Naylor, T;H;, Computer Simulation Experiments with Models of Economic Systems (Yohn Wiley € sons, Inc., New York, 1971) 7/ Silk L.S, Porecasting Business Trends (MeGraw-Hill, New York 1963) 8/ Spencer M.H., Colin G.C;, Hoguet P,W., Business and Economic Forecasting (Irwin, Illinois, 1961) 9/ Wolfe, H.D., Business Forecasting Methods, (Holt, Rinchart and Winston, New York, 1966)