CURRENT RESEARCH ACTIVITY KEY 1 working paper stage 2 < data analysis stage 3 z data collection stage 4 < preliminary/proposal stage i. (1) "pffects of Presentation Media on Decision Making Performance" (results of an interactive simulation laboratory experiment) 2. (1) "The Development of an MIS Curriculum ina Business School" (results of curriculum development activities at the School of Business, Indiana University) 3. (1) "The Effects of Color Coding ?Pictorial and Alphabetic Information on Short Term Memory Recall (a computerized laboratory experiment with Gortan Resinovic) 4. (1) "Getting The Information Systems "You Need: The Choices" (Managerially oriented survey paper . dealing with changes in technology, products, and methodologies and their impact on the availability and nacguisition of information systems to support managerial decision making) (results of a field survey and library research) 5. (1): "rhe FEffects of Color in bPaired Associate h Experiments (a laboratory experiment with Lee Gremillion) 6. (2) "Effects of Structure on Decision Making Performance" (results of an interactive simulation laboratory experiment with Patrick Davitt) 7. (2) "mne Effects of Color Coding Information on Memory Recall," (results of a laboratory experiment with Lee Gremillion) 41