"An (Investigation of Some Management Information Systems Design Variables and Decision Making Performance: Tne Initial 'fExperiment in PRIMIS -- a Program of Research for Investigating Management Information Systems," UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1983 (350 pages). "An Empirical Investigation of Systems Development Practices and Results," (with Justus. D. Naumann and James (CC. Wetherbe), Information and Management, (7:2), April 1984, pp. 73-82. "Prototyping: A Methodology for the Design and Development of Application Systems," Spectrum (2:2), April 1985, pp. 1-8. "Prototyping: A Methodology for the Design and Development of Application Systems: Part 2," Spectrum (2:3), June 1985, pp. 1-4. "Research NMethodologies and MIS Research" in "Research Methods in Information Systems," (edited by E. Mumford, R. Hirschheim, G. Fitzgerald, and A.T. Wood-Harper). North Holland Press, New York, New York, 1985, (pp. 103-117). "Surveying The Software (Generator Market," Datamation (31:17) September 1, 1985, pp. 105-120. "PATHVU: Software Metrics Manual," Peat, Marwick, Mitcheil and Company, the Catalyst Group, Chicago, "Illinois, 1985 (148 pages). "Prototyping for the Design and Developing of Application Systems" Datapro Research Corporation Software Production Report No. AS50-750, February 1986 (15 pages). "Personal Computers: Business Tool or Security Risk," The Bottomline, Journal of the International Association of | Hospitality NAccountants, (1:7), April 1986, pp. 14-16. "A Guide to the Telecommunications Literature For College Instructors and MIS Managers With Annotated Bibliography," (with John fRicketts) Interface: The Computer Education Ouarterly (9:3) Fall 1987. "Decision Support Systems: Tools, Expectations and Reali- ties," (with Janez Grad) Informatica ( 11:3 ) September 1987. TI "Control Flowcharting for Data Driven Systems," (with John Carlis) Informatica (11:4) December 1987, (£forthcoming). "A "Tutorial on Fourth Generation Languages," (with dBijoy Bordoli) Organizacija in Cadri December 1987, (forthcoming). "software Acguision: A Critical Process," Nase Gospodarstvo February 1988, (forthcoming). 40