July 1, 1985 "Establishment of the Context Validity of a Metric of Information Set Complexity," with Tom Lauer, Larry Davis, Michael Groomer, and Kwan Yoo), Discussion Paper No. 29), Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. July 1, 1985 "Content 'Validation of a Metric of Ouestion Complexity," (with Larry Davis, Michael Groomer, Tom Lauer, and Kwan Yoo), Discussion Paper No. 292, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. Aug. 1, 1985 "The Development of an MIS Satisfaction Ouestionnaire: An Instrument For Evaluating User Satisfaction With Turnkey Systems," (with John Ricketts), Discussion Paper No. 296, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University (revised December 1986 and submitted to the Communication of the ACM). Jan. 1, 1986 "Integrated Personnel Evaluation System: The IPES Project," (Prototyping Case Study No. 73D) (with John Ricketts) Institute for Research on the Management of Information Systems Working Paper No. W603, Indiana University. Jan. 1, 1986 "The On-Line Accounts Adjustment System," (Prototyping Case Study No. 74D) (with John Ricketts) Institute for Research on the Management of Information Systems Working Paper No. W604, Indiana University. Feb. 1, 1986 "The Prospective Customer "naguiry System," Prototyping Case Study No. 83D) Institute for Research on the Management of Information Systems Working Paper No. W605, Indiana University. May 1, 1986 (The HFEvolution and Status of Fourth Generation Languages: A Tutorial," (with dBijoy BorDoloi), Institute for Research on the Management of Information Systems Working Paper No. W611, Indiana University. ' June 1, 1986 "An Annotated Bibliography on Prototyping," (with Jack Fellers), Institute for Research on the Management of Information Systems Working Paper No. W613, Indiana University. July 1, 1986 "Readings in Management Information Systems Analysis and Design," (with HE. W. Martin editors) Indiana Readings in Business Number 500, School of Business, Indiana University. Sept. 1, 1986 "Readings in Research Designs and Methods in Management Information Systems," (editor) Indiana Readings in Business Number 518, School of Business, Indiana University. 37 A MRENE ME OMTEEE EV EN sise KE s REALA SJ vlo EEA JAP RADEON PEN o Ba ale jani PORNO ER A PRENE ožine ene jaj a NE AA)