Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. 15, 1983 "The Information Reguirements Determination Contingency Model: An Empirical Investigation," (with Justus Naumann and James Wetherbe), Management Information Systems Research Center Working Paper 83-10, University of Minnesota, March 1983. 15, 1983 "Prototyping: A Methodology for the Design and Development of Application Systems," Discussion Paper No. 227, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. 30, 1983 "An Annotated Bibliography on Prototyping," (with Thomas Lauer), Discussion Paper No. 228, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. 15, 1984 "An Annotated Bibliography on Prototyping," (with Lorne Olfman) Discussion Paper No. 259, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. Sept. 1, 1984 "Implications of Behavioral Decision Theory for Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. May Decision Support Systems Implementation and Research," (with Tom Lauer), Discussion Paper No. 273, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. 1, 1984 "A Comparative Analysis of Effects of Computer Systems on the Performance of MBA students in a COBOL course: A Pilot Study," (with 'Theophilus B.A. Addo and Ellen D. Hoadley) Discussion Paper No. 276, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. 1, 1984 "Research Methodologies and 'MIS Research," Discussion Paper No. 277, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. 1, 1985 "Readings on the Creation, Care and Feeding of Computerized Application Systems in the 1980s," (editor), School of Economics and Management, Oakland University. 25, 1985 "The Development of MIS Satisfaction Ouestionnaire: An Instrument for Evaluating User 'Satisfaction With Turnkey Decision Support Systems," (with John Ricketts), Working Paper Series No.146, College of Business Administration, University of Houston. 1, 1985 "A Survey and Analysis of Current Software Generator Products," (with Terry Ryan and Bijoy Bordoloi), Discussion Paper No. 285, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. June 1, 1985 "An Annotated Bibliography on Prototyping," (with Ellen Hoadley), Discussion Paper No. 289, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. 36