May 1, 1981 "The Use of Color to Enhance Information Presentations," (with Lee Gremillion) Discussion Paper No. 173, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. July 1, 1981 "Readings in Management Information Systems," Fifth Edition, (with Jeff Hoffer and Michael Groomer - (editors), Indiana Readings in Business, Indiana University, 1981, (464 pages). July 1, 1981 "Readings in Systems/Information Analysis and MIS Design," (editor), Indiana Readings in Business - Number 349, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University, 1981, (382 pages). Aug. 26, 1981 ."An Investigation of the (User-System Interface Under Different Decision Making Environments," (with John Ricketts) 'Discussion Paper No. 188, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. Sept. 30, 1982 "Distributed Data Functions: An Analytic Technigue for Identifying Applications with High Potential for Successful Distribution" (with Kristen Carey), Discussion Paper No. 209, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. Oct. 4, 1982 "An (Investigation of the Effects of Education on the Use of da Decision Aid," (with Richard Schilhavy) Discussion 'Paper No. 210, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. Nov. 15, 1982 ("The FEffects of the Freguency of Variance Reports Upon Decision Maker Performance (with Linda Philipich), Discussion Paper No. 21il, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. Nov. 30, 1982 "Development of An Instrument to Measure User MIS Satisfaction," (with John Ricketts) Discussion Paper No. 216, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. Dec. 29, 1982 "PRIMIS: a Program of Research for Investigating Management Information Systems," Discussion Paper No.192, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University. Mar. i, 1983 "Empirical Investigation of Systems Development Practices and Results," (with Justus Naumann and James Wetherbe), Management Information Systems Research Center Working Paper 83-09, University of Minnesota, March 1983. 35