Oct. 29, 1986 "Managing Information Systems Resources: Tools and Methodologies," two hour seminar presented at the Annual Data Processing Management Association International Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Oct. 31, 1986 "Research Methods and Processes in MIS," two hour seminar presented to the faculty of the Business School, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri. Nov. 17-18, 1986 "The Prototyping Systems Development Methodology," A two-day seminar presented to MIS professionals and managers for Management Technology Education, Ltd., Sydney, Australia. Nov. 20-21, 1986 "The Prototyping Systems Development Methodology," A two-day seminar presented to MIS professionals and managers for Management Technology Education, Ltd., Melbourne, Australia. Nov. 23, 1986 "Management Information Systems Researcher's Workshop," A three session workshop presented to MIS researchers at the fEighteenth Annual National Conference of the Institute for Decision Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii. Nov. 25, 1986 "A Workshop on Decision Support Systems Development and "Teaching Methodologies ," (with Hugh Watson and Efraim Turban) Panel presentation at the Eighteenth Annual National Conference of the Institute for Decision Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii. Dec. 16, 1986 "Ph.D. Programs in Information Systems: Fundamental Issues," (with Jon Turner, Izak Benbesat, and John Henderson) Panel presentation at the Seventh International Conference of Information Systems, San Diego, California. Feb. 27, 1987 "The Role of the Prototyping Methodology in Development of Information Systems" a tone-day seminar presented to MIS professionals and managers at the U.S. Army Information Systems Software Development Center, Ft. Lee, Virginia. March 13, 1987 "The Impact of Changing Technology on MIS and Accounting Curricula," presentation and subseguent panel discussion at the Professional School of Accountancy, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois. May 5, 1987 "Increasing Systems Development Productivity: Software Tools and Methodologies," A one-day seminar presented to MIS managers for Management Technology Education, Ltd., Amsterdam, Netherlands. 32 SARE EAMAP AL S Nh RRIRAE gnjn N k PUB tj JP ega oi Godler aaa Po Oven BRAN si ek ja Rajh klado