Feb. 28, 1984 "Computers nin Purchasing," Four hour element in a two day "Fourth Annual Indiana Purchasing Seminar" by the Purchasing Management Association of Indianapolis, Memorial Union, Bloomington, Indiana. May 3, 1985 "Developing MIS Faculty," (with (Gary Dickson) Two hour seminar presented at American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business Annual and Beta Gamma Sigma Biennial Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona. Oct. 9, 1984 "Improved Software Development and Ouality," moderator for two-hour discussion session, Society for Information Management ' s Sixteenth Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Nov. 5, 1984 "Behavioral Research on MIS: Models, Methods, Melange," invited Panelist, two-hour session at the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, Toronto, Canada. Jan. 23, 1985 'The Coming Age: Fifth (Generation Computing," Two-hour seminar presented at the Peat Marwick Seminar for MIS Executives, Waldorf Astoria, New York, New York. Mar. 8-28, 1985 "The Design of Information Systems to Manage Complex Interagency Projects," Six day element in the "First World Conference on Coastal Zone Management," at the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. "A July 7-27, 1985 "Curriculum and Pedagogy, Systems Analysis and Design and Research Issues and Methods," 15 hours segment at the AACSB's Advanced MIS Faculty Development Institute, Bloomington, Indiana. July 18, 1985 "Software Development Workbenches," (with George Rittersbeck and Nicholas: Zvegintzov), Panel presentation at h the National Computer Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Aug. 7-8, 1985 "The What, Where, When and How of Prototyping," A two day seminar presented to MIS Management and Systems Professionals at Owens Corning Fiberglas, Toledo, Ohio. Oct. 21-23, 1985 "Database Directions: Information Resource Management - Making nit Work," A three day workshop sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards and the Institute for Computer Science and Technology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Feb. 7, 1986 "Prototyping With Fourth Generation Languages," (with Boulton Miller, James Benjamin and Wendell Jones), Panel presentation at the 1986 ACM Computer Science Conference and SIGCSE Symposium Cincinnati, Ohio. 30 ORA AE Ani kJ NJEJ Čo pl pp a ena anka aaa nja zao na kj Aa s AA ka ija ak Na ih ušle jine a ig fija aken ba aje VRŠE ŠE NE NE ARE Boljka aa dek s a Sobo ane jej DE o Z rj od oba čla ap