Mar. 24, 1983 "What You Need to Know to Effectively Use Computerized Information Systems," a one day element in a two day seminar for managers and professionals in USAID, Washington, D.C. Apr. 8, 1983 "Interactive Simulation Research in Management Information Systems: Programs of Research," Four hour workshop presented to faculty of the Management Department, School of Business, Marguette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. May 19, 1983 "Using Personal Computers in Business," One day seminar presented for INCAE, San Jose, Costa Rica, C.A. May 20-21, 1983 "Administration of MIS," Two day seminar presented for INCAE, San Jose, Costa Rica, C.A. May 22, 1983 "Audit and Control of Management Information Systems," (with Michael Groomer), one day seminar presented for INCAE, San Jose, Costa Rica, C.A. May 24, 1983 "Using Personal Computers in Business," One day seminar presented for INCAE, El Salvador, San Salvador, C.A. May 25-27, 1983 "EDP Auditing and MIS Control," (with Michael Groomer), Three day seminar presented for INCAE, BEl Salvador, San Salvador, C.A. June 1-7, 1983 "Information Systems and Managetent," (with Lee Gremillion) Two day element in the Indiana Executive Program, Bloomington, Indiana. June 20-30, 1983 "using Computers, Systems Analysis, and Information to Support Management Activities," Five day element in a two week "Analytic Skills Workshop" for USAID, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. July 5-22, 1983 '"The Design, Analysis and Development of Computerized Information Systems in Organizations," Three week element in a five week "Information Systems Faculty Development Institute" presented by the American Assembly of 'Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), Minneapolis, Minnesota. Aug. 15-16, 1983 "The What, Where, When and How of Prototyping," a two day seminar presented to MIS Management and Systems Professionals at Owens Corning Fiberglas, Toledo, Ohio. Feb. 17, 1984 (Tnformation, the New Resource," One hour element in a one day press briefing presented by the Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana. 29 S A A oe a A RE AKČa