Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar . 18, 1982 "Introduction to Computing and Information Systems Applications for Management and Professionals," A one day element in a two day seminar for the management and staff of the African Bureau, USAID, Washington, D.C. 22, 1982 "MIS and the Behavioral Sciences," Two hour workshop at the FFourteenth Annual American Institute for Decision Sciences Conference, San Francisco, California. 23, 1982 "Minicomputer Based Information and Decision Support Systems," Invited panelist for four hour workshop at the Fourteenth Annual American Institute for Decision Sciences Conference, San Francisco, California. 14, 1982 "The Impact of Fourth-Generation Languages on Information Systems Research and Pedagogy," Invited panelist- presenter in three hour workshop at the Third Annual International Conference on Information Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 21, 1982 "Introduction to Computing and Information Systems Applications for Management and Professionals," A cone day element in a two day seminar for the management and staff of the African Bureau, USAID, Washington, D.C. 9-14, 1983 "Using Computers to Support Management and. Analysis," five day element in the "Analytic Skills Workshop," a two week program for the (United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Ouito, Ec'ador. 20-21, 1983 "The What, Where, When and How of Prototyping," a two day seminar presented to MIS management and systems professionals at Owens Corning Fiberglas, Toledo, Ohio. 24, 1983 "What You Need to Know to Effectively Use Computerized Information Systems," a one day element in a two day seminar for new staff nin the Data Management Division, USAID, Washington, D.C. 3, 1983 'What You Need to Know to Effectively Use Computerized Information Systems," A one day element ina two day seminar for managers and professionals nin USAID, Washington, D.C. 14-18, 1983 "Using Computers, Systems Analysis, and Information to Support Managerial Activities," Five day element in a two week program for USAID, Nicosea, Cyprus. 28