June 28-30, 1982 "The Use of Color-Graphic bDisplays in Decision Support Systems," and "The Design, Development and Implementation of Interactive Color-Graphic Systems," two day program presented at the University of Ljubljana and the Josef Stephan Institute, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. July 18, 1982 "Managing the Use of Mini-Micro Computers in Small Business," One day seminar presented for INCAE (Institute Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas), Panama, C.A. July 19-20, 1982 "Administration of MIS," Two day seminar presented for INCAE ( Institute Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas), Panama City, Panama, C.A. July 21, 1982 "Audit and Control of Management Information Systems," (with Michael Groomer), one day seminar presented for INCAE (Institute Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas), Panama City, Panama, C.A. July 23, 1982 "Managing the Use of Mini-Micro Computers in Small Business," One day seminar presented for INCAE (Institute Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas), Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A. July 24-25, 1982 "Administration of MIS," ( with Michael Groomer), two day seminar presented for INCAE (Institute Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas), Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A. ai July 26, 1982 "Audit and Control of Management Information Systems," (with Michael Groomer), One day seminar presented for NINCAE (Institute Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas), Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A. Sept. 14-17, 1982 "Using Computers to Support Management Action and Analysis," four day element in the '"Analytic Skilis Workshop," a two week program for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Washington, D.C. Oct. 4-5, 1982 "The What, Where, When and How of Prototyping," a two day seminar presented to MIS management and systems professionals at Owens Corning Fiberglas, Toledo, Ohio. Oct. 28, 1982 "Introduction to Computing and Information Systems Applications for Management and Professionals," a one day element in a two day seminar for the management and staff of the African Bureau, USAID, Washington, D.C. Nov. 11-12, 1982 "The What, Where, When and How of Prototyping," a two day seminar presented to MIS management and systems professionals at Owens Corning Fiberglas, Toledo, Ohio. 27 OE PRŠNI AI POJE Je ZE je AJ og RJO ji ME a En Ved ja Šega Ona ba Sie od ni gaj a s ida ge Ag a pa Pb ni je lj ja Pn od ŠT je A RE A go ga EN S A no dveh