Jan. 13-14, 1982 "Developing an MIS Curriculum; MIS Faculty and Research: The Relationship Between Faculty and the Practitioner," Eight hour element in a two day seminar on "The Need for MIS in Higher Education" presented at the School of Business, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. Jan. 21-30, 1982 "The Use of Computers to Support Project Analysis, Design and Evaluation," Five day element in the "Analytic Skills Workshop," a two week program for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Port An Prince, Haiti. Feb. 18, 1982 "Improving Purchasing's Productivity With Information System" four hour module nin Indiana Purchasing Conference, for the Purchasing Management Association of Indianapolis, in Nashville, Indiana. Mar. 25, 1982 (The NPrototyping Design Methodology," Two hour presentation for Arthur Andersen and Company to Computer Systems Development Managers at the University Club, Chicago, Illinois. May 11, 1982 ""rends in the User-Information System Interface," Four hour seminar at the Informatica 82 Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. May 19, 1982 "Organization, 'Staffing, Hardware and Software Resources for Improving Productivity in the Management Information Systems Function," One day "seminar presented at the Celje Institute for Development, Celje, Yugoslavia. May 24-25, 1982 "Improving office Productivity," ( with Clay Whybark), Two day seminar presented for the Committee of the Red Cross Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. May 27, 1982 "Implementation of Materials Management Systems," Chairman of four hour session on role of software for the | European Working Group for Production and Inventory Control, at the Center for Management of the State University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. June 2-7, 1982 "Information Systems and Management," (with Lee Gremillion) Two day element in the Indiana Executive Program, Bloomington, Indiana. June 15-24, 1982 "The Use of Computers and Information to Support Project Analysis, Design and Evaluation," five day element in the nAnalytical Skills Workshop, a two week program for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Cairo, Egypt. 26