SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS, PANELS Oct. 30, 1978 "Research lin Management Information Systems," Invited panelist for a two hour session at the American Institute for Decision Sciences Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. Mar. 28, 1979 "Impact of Computerization nin Purchasing," One day seminar, National gssociation of Purchasing Management, Indianapolis Chapter Indianapolis, Indiana. July 9-13, 1979 "Systems Analysis and Project Design and Evaluation," Three day element nin the "Analytical Skills Workshop," A two week program for the (United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Madeira, Portugal. Sept. 4-7, 1979 "Systems Analysis and Project Design and Evaluation," A two week program for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Coolfont, West Virginia. Sept. 13, 1979 "Contingency and Systems Design," Half-day workshop presented at the Society for Management Information Systems Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Nov. 8, 1979 "Purchasing and Material Reguirements Planning," One day seminar at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. Nov. 19, 1979 "Why Information Systems Fail", Invited panelist for two hour session at the Eleventh "Annual American Institute for Decision Sciences Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. Nov. 19, 1979 "Pedagogical and Research Issues nin Information Systems Analysis and Design" (with Gordon Davis and David Naumann), Three hour workshop at the Eleventh Annual American Institute for Decision Sciences Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. | Feb. 11-20, 1980 "Systems Analysis and Project Design and Evaluation," Five day element nin the "Analytical Skills Workshop", A two week program for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Panama City, Panama. June 2-6, 1980 "Systems Analysis and Project Design and Evaluation," five day element in the "Analytical Skills Workshop", A two week program for the (United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Washington, D.C. June 8-11, 1980 "MIS in Operations Management," One day element in the Indiana Executive Program, Bloomington, Indiana. 24