May May May May May Oct. Nov. 12, 1987 "The Impact of Microcomputers in the Enterprise," Invited paper presented to non-MIS managers and professionals at Krka, Novo Mesto, Yugoslavia. 18, 1987 "The Role of Data Dictionaries in Systems Development" and "The Growing and Changing Role of Microcomputers nin the Business World," Invited papers presented to faculty and selected students and practitioners at the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. 19, 1987 "Decision Support Systems: Tools, Expectations and Realities (with Janez Grad) paper presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Computers nin the University, Cavtat, Yugoslavia. 23, 1987 "The Role of Prototyping nin Information Systems Development," Invited paper presented to the faculty at the Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 26, 1987 "Changine Needs in MIS Curriculum" Invited speech to faculty at the School of Computing and Ouantitative Studies Western Australian Institute of Technology and Curtain University, Perth, Australia. 26, 1987 "Research Needs in MIS: The Differences in Perspectives Between Academics and Practitioners," an invited paper presented at the ORSA/TIMS Meeting, pri Louis, Missouri. 4, 1987 "Management Issues in Telecommunications," an invited speech presented at the Data Processing Management Association's National Conference, San Francisco, California. 23