Nov. 23, 1986 "The Complexities of the MIS Research Environment," Paper presented at the Decision Sciences Institute's Annual National Conference, Honolulu, Hawali. Nov. 25, 1986 "Prototyping: The End-user Perspective," Paper presented at the Decision Sciences Institute's Annual National Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. Dec. 14, 1986 "The NResearcher's Role in the MIS Field," Invited speech at the Interdisciplinary International Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, California. Feb. 12, 1987 "Evolving Research Needs nin MIS," (University of Georgia bDistinguished Lecture Series, School of Business, Department of Management, Athens, Georgia. March 12, 1987 "The Changing Impact of Information Technology on American Business," The Ledger and bMXuill Public Lecturer, School of Accountancy, College of Commerce, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois. March 13, 1987 "The Costs and Benefits of Prototyping: A Summary of 150 Case Studies," Invited speech to members of the Panel on Information Systems Studies, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois. March 24, 1987 "Systems Development in the 1990's" User-Developed and Prototyping," Invited speech at the Third Annual Wisconsin Seminar on Management InfornMtion Systems, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. April 1, 1987 "The Role of MIS in Organization: Now and To The End of This Century," Invited paper, presented at the Eighth National Conference on Data Processing Ouality Assurance, Chicago, Illinois. May 6, 1987 "Prototyping: An Information System Design and Development Methodology," Invited paper presented to faculty at the London School of Business, London, England. May 11, 1987 "The Role of Information Systems in Business and Economics Curriculum," Invited paper presented to the faculty of the University of Maribour, Kranj, Yugoslavia. May 11, 1987 "Fourth Generation Languages and Prototyping: Tools to Enhance Productivity in MIS," Invited paper presented to managers, government officials and ffaculty dat the University of Maribour, Kranj, Yugoslavia. May 12, 1987 "Fourth Generation Languages and Prototyping: Tools to Enhance Productivity nin MIS," Invited paper presented to top and middle management at Krka, Novo Mesto, Yugoslavia. 22