May 3, 1985 "Research Methodologies and MIS 'Research: The State of the dHrt," Paper presented to the faculty of Commerce at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. July 19, 1985 "The Impact of Computer Technology on Information Systems Security," Presented to the International Association of Hospitality Accountants at the I3th Annual International Hospitality Technology Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Aug. 1, 1985 "Fourth Generation Languages in the Classroom," Invited paper presented at the World Conference on Computers in Education, Norfolk, Virginia. Oct. 24, 1985 "Meeting the Needs for 0uality MIS Instruction in Schools of Business," Invited paper followed by da panel discussion at the Mid-Continent Regional Deans' Meeting, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Jan. 30, 1986 "The Results of Prototyping in an MIS Organization: A "Three Year Longitudinal Study," Paper presented to the faculty and graduate MIS students of the School of Economics and Management, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. June 3, 1986 "The Systems Development Process: Its Role in office and Factory Automation," Paper presented to the faculty and graduate MIS students of the Ma"agement Faculty at the University of Kranj, Kranj, Yugoslavia. June 4, 1986 "The Impact of Fourth (Generation Languages and Related Software Packages on the Systems Management Function," Paper presented to the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at the University of Maribor, Maribor, Yugoslavia. June 5, 1986 "The Systems Development Process: Its Role nin office and Factory Automation," and "Current Research Directions nin MIS". Papers presented to the Faculty of Economics and doctoral students at Ljubljana (University Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. Oct. 29, 1986 "Prototyping: An Information Systems Design and Development Methodology," Paper presented at the Annual Data Processing Management Association International Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Nov. 7, 1986 (software Problems and Software Solutions," Invited paper presented to faculty and MIS area managers at Auburn University, Montogmery, Alabama. 21 ENE NOE z PROI a k a a ab k ANE h skaia ; ΕΎ z PAN EPP DA bj Neo AI mno A ih PAN a a A NA ji k Nj nak nn NO nd dd A la V