Jan. Mar. 16, 1984 "Prototyping, the Process: Decision Support Systems, the Product," and "Prototyping Application Systems: A Methodology," two invited papers presented to the (Grand Chapter of the Association for Systems Management, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Jan. 27, 1984 "The Prototyping Methodology for Application System Analysis and Design," Invited paper presented to the ffaculty and doctoral students at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Iowa University, Ilowa City, Iowa. 15, 1984 "Prototyping Application Systems: The Process," Invited paper presented to the Atlanta chapter of the Data Processing Management Association, Atlanta, Georgia. July 25, 1984 "Prototyping Application Systems: The Process and the Product," two invited lectures presented at the Second AACSB MIS Faculty Development Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Sept. 2, 1984 "The Role of Research Methodologies nin MIS Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. Mar. Apr. poba naka eo b ca ji ati nev pi ja AR prdi zo po bad Research," Invited papers presented at the International Federation for Information Processing, Working (Group 8.2, Colloguium Information Systems Research, Manchester, England. 6, 1984 "Development and Training of MIS Faculty for Schools of Business," Paper presented at the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, Toronto, Canada. 7, 1984 "Some Implications of Behavioral Decision Theory for DSS Implementation and Research," ( with Tom NLauer). Paper presented at the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, Toronto, Canada. 17, 1985 "Changing NRoles of Accounting and MIS in Business and Academia," Invited paper to the American Association of Military Comptrollers, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Indiana. 30, 1985 "Using Fourth Generation Software Tools in Application Systems Development," Invited paper presented at the regional meeting of the Express Users' Group, Chicago, Illinois. 28, 1985 "£he Growing Role of Software Metrics in Software Engineering," Paper presented to the faculty of the Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 22, 1985 "The Changing Role of the Organization's Chief Information Officer," Speech presented to the Board of Visitors, School of Economics and Management, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. 20 KRAN vije em en poj ln AA giba ni o ln oe ge stna vb dei ooo sie 1 o šablon loro ožgane Aa