May 6-20, 1982 '"The Function and Use of Data Dictionary Systems," Maintaining the Integrity of the Organization Data Resources," "Use of Color and Graphics in the Presentation of Information for Management," "New System Development Methodologies to Increase Productivity in the MIS Organization," and "The Organization and Management of the Information Systems Function nin Business," Papers presented to the faculty and graduate students of Ljubljana and Maribor (Universities, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. May 18, 1982 "The Use of Computerized Information Systems in Libraries," and "ARTEMIS: An Automated Retrieval Technigue for Examining Management Information Systems," Papers presented to a conference of academic and government librarians at the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. May 21, 1982 "Current Research in the Use of Color and (Graphics in Information Systems Presentations," Invited paper presented to the faculty and staff of the Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. May 26, 1982 "Getting the Information Systems You Need" paper presented to the "Seminar for Senior Executives" at IMEDE- International Management Development Institute, Lausanne, Switzerland. Dec. 12, 1982 "A Program of Research for Investigating Management Information Systems," invited pajer presented to the 1983 Doctoral Consortium at the Third Annual International Conference on Information Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Mar. 7, 1983 "Challenges tin Business Education: Technological Change and its impact on Business, dUniversities and Society," paper presented to elements of the Business School faculty, Marguette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Apr. 22, 1983 "Professionalism and Purchasing: Managing the Economic, Material and Information Resources o£ the Organization," speech presented to the Southern Indiana Purchasing Management Association, Scottsburgh, Indiana. Aug. 2, 1983 "ne Computer in Your Business," speech presented to the 1983 Symposium (Living With Rapidly Changing Times) of the National Civic Garden Centers, Inc., Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. 19 NEJA RA AR sj potom aj nj ČNEGA ož ANS REJE ARE ERA ae Šen non eo ren an ra anton O ji Jp lja