June 6, 1978 "Managing Data Integrity," Paper presented to the faculty of the Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw - in the Palace of Culture, Warsaw, Poland. Oct. 30, 1978 "An Empirical Evaluation of Structured Programming Technigues Using COBOL," (with John Ricketts) Paper presented at the MIS Session, Tenth Annual American Institute for Decision Sciences Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. Nov. 14, 1978 "The Prototype Model as an MIS Design Technigue," Invited paper presented at the Association for Computing Machinery, Twin Cities Chapters, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Nov. 20, 1979 "Development of an Instrument to Measure MIS User Satisfaction," (with John Ricketts) Paper presented at the MIS Session, Eleventh Annual American Institute for Decision Sciences, Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. Mar. 11, 1980 '"Prototyping in the Systems Design Process," Invited paper presented at the ACM/DP ( Association for Computing Machinery and Data Processing Management Association), Joint Computer Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Nov. 13, 1980 "The Tools of Prototyping: Hardware, Software and People," Invited paper presented at Tymshare, Inc. "Executive Seminar: MIS and 'Tymshare" Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mar. 21, 1981 "The Use of Systems Analysis Technigues in Public Administration," Invited paper presented to the Mayor and City Administration of Ormoc City, Leyte, Philippines. Apr. 1, 1981 "Role of Small Computers in Business and Society" Invited paper presented at INCAE Instituto Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas), Managua, Nicaragua. C.A. May 28, 1981 "Load Forecasting in the Beverage Industry" paper presented at the First International Symposium on Forecasting, Ouebec City, Canada. Dec, 8, 1981 "The Use of Color to Enhance Information Presentations, Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Information Systems, Boston, Massachusetts. May 10, 1982 "Meeting the Challenge for Information Systems in the '80's," Invited paper presented at Informatica 82, Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. 18 PR 1h RE AČKO SRN KJ Sa EJ ha AR pl oh ab ko non AJ Nena o o ja ih DRE a ij z pd ln o jp jj PRA NB Dg Pag