SPEECHES, LECTURES, PAPER PRESENTATIONS Feb. 4, 1977 "An Investigation of Some Management Information Systems Design YVariables and Decision Making Performance; Results of a Simulation Experiment," three hour presentation to the Management Information Systems Research Center Associates, Federal Reserve Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Feb. 25, 1977 "How Can Computerized Management Information Systems Make You More Effective as a Manager?," three hour presentation at the Navajo Nation, "Top Management Perspectives Seminar - 1977," Albuguergue, New Mexico. Oct. 20, 1977 "A Research Framework for the MIS fUser-Systems Interface," Paper presented at the MIS Session, Ninth Annual American Institute for Decision Sciences Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Feb. 16, 1978 "Interactive Simulations for Training and Research," Presentation to the Indianapolis Chapter of the American Production and Inventory Control Society, Indianapolis, Indiana. May 19, 1978 "Evolution of Strategic Approaches to Systems Design," and "MIS Curriculum: Meeting Multiple Educational Objectives" papers presented to the faculty of Economics at the University of Maribor, Maribor, Yugoslavia. ro May 20-26, 1978 "MIS Curriculum: Meeting Multiple Educational Objectives," "An Empirical Study of Structured Programming Using COBOL," "Control Flowcharting for Data-Driven Systems," and "A Framework and Master Plan for the Organization's Management Information Systems," Papers presented to the faculty and graduate students of Ljubljana University, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. May 24, 1978 "Distributed Information Processing Systems," A paper presented to the Central Planning Committee of the Bank of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. May 29, 1978 "Economic Analysis of the Application Design Process," paper presented to the members of the Economics Clubs of Maribor and Kranj at the Economics Club in Maribor, Maribor, Yugoslavia. June 2, 1978 "A Research Framework for the MIS User-Systems Interface" and "A Framework for the Organization's Management Information System," Papers presented to faculty and students as Szamok (International Center for Computer Studies) in Budapest, Hungary. 17 AA A A NEIL x