DISSERTATIONS "Master Production Scheduling In The Assemble To Order Environment: A Comparison of Two Technigues" by Barry HE. King (member) 1979. "An Evaluation of the Decision Making Effects of the Aggregation o£ Accounting Numbers in Management Accounting Reports: A Field Experiment" by Clinton White, Jr. (member) 1981. "The Use of Learning Curve Analysis In Capacity Planning Deci- sions" by Timothy Lawrence Cmunt (member) 1981. "Open Order Rescheduling Heuristics For MRP Systems in Manufac- turing Firms" by Richard J. Penlesky (member) 1982. "The Effects of the Knowledge of the Decision Model Used by the Decision Maker on the Evaluation of Information Systems" by Joon S. Kim, (chairman) 1982. "An Investigation of Some Effects of Environmental Complexity and Systematic Bias on the MIS User System Interface: A Simulation Experiment" by John A. Ricketts (chairman) 1982. "Executive Succession and Organizational Performance: An Empirical Investigation" by Idalene F. Kesner (member), 1983. "An Examination of the Effects of Exception Reporting on Decision Making Performance" by Linda Philipich (chairman;41983. "An Investigation of the Effects of Education on the Use of a Decision Aid: A Simulation Experiment" by Richard A. Schilhavy (chairman) 1984. "Normative vs. Judgemental Prediction: A Study of the Item Sales Forecasts of Department Store Merchandise Buyers" by Anthony Cox (member) 1984. "Marketing Research Evaluation and Utilization: An Experi- mental Investigation" by Hanjoon Lee (member) 1984. "A Contingency Model of Buyer-Seller Interaction: An Experi- mental Investigation" by Jeen Su Lin (member) 1985. "Task Complexity, Information Complexity and the Form of Infor- mation Presentation: Effects on Decision Maker Performance" by Larry Davis (member) 1985. "Effects of Interactions Between Forms of Presentations and Task Complexity on Information FExtracting Procedures" by Kwan H. Yoo (chairman) 1985. 12