Indiana University Academic Computing Policy Committee (member one year) Faculty Advisor for University Division (10 students two vears, 5 students three years) Faculty Sponsor for the High School Science Institute (approx- imately 2 students per summer, five years) INDIANA: Information Processing Committee, The Indiana Corporation for Science and Technology (member four years) Unpaid Consulting: Dunn Memorial Hospital IU, Information and Computer Services Office IU, office of International Programs Planned Parenthood Association of Southern Indiana NATIONAL: Associate Editor for Theory and Research for the MIS Ouarterly (seven years) Editorial Board Member for Systems Objective% Solutions (three years) Associate Editor for Decision Sciences (four years) Book Reviewer for Business Horizons Referee for: Business Horizons Communications of the ACM Decision Sciences Information Processing and Management Management Science INTERFACES Journal of Information Systems The Canadian Journal of Information Systems and Operational Research 10