Summer Semester, 1979 s560 MIS Design and Applications s590 Independent Study in MIS Fall Semester, 1979 A523 Information Systems Analysis «s Design A523 Information Systems Analysis 4 Design S503 COBOL Spring Semester, 1980 S601 Research Design £s Methods in MIS S798 Research Seminar in MIS s503 COBOL s590 Independent Study in MIS s560 MIS Design and Applications Summer Semester, 1980 s503 COBOL A s590 Independent Study in MIS Fall Semester, 1980 A523 Information Systems Analysis 4 Design S602 Research Topics in MIS s503 COBOL Spring Semester, 1981 S601 NResearch Design and Methods in MIS S798 Research Seminar in MIS s503 COBOL s590 Independent Study in MIS s560 MIS Design and Applications 16 30 11 14 28 41 23 (Bloomington) (Indianapolis)