TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS The following is a chronological listing of all courses taught at IU, with course number, course description and approximate enrollments: Spring Semester, 1977 K201 The Computer in Business A523 Business Information Systems Fall Semester, 1977 K201 The Computer in Business K505 HFElectronic Data Processing Methods KsP590 Independent Study in Operations Spring Semester, 1978 s505 Introduction to MIS A523 Information Systems Analysis ÂŁ Design K6P590 Independent Study Summer Semester, 1978 a s590 Independent Study in MIS s590 MIS Design and Applications (Trial run of S560) Fall Semester, 1978 s505 Introduction to MIS s505 Introduction to MIS s590 Independent Study in MIS Spring Semester, 1979 A523 Information Systems Analysis 4 Design s798 Research Seminar in MIS s590 Independent Study in MIS s560 MIS Design and Applications xnot officially teaching in summer 67 25 65 32 36 33 11 B3 20 12 41 10 (Bloomington) (Indianapolis)