3 M Companies, Inc. -- the design of dan information system to support the analysis of merger and acguisition policies. 12/62 - 9/72 Sandia Laboratories, Albuguergue, NM, Manager, Contracting Representative, Buyer, Project Engineer, Senior Design Engineer 2/57 -10/62 Whitin Machine Works, Whitinsville, MA, Design Engineer, Machine Designer LICENSES AND CERTIFICATION J Professional Engineers License, State of New Mexico PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Association for Computing Machinery SIGCUE, SIGBDP Curriculum Committee on Computer Education for Management Association f;ar Systems Management Beta Gamma Sigma Decision Sciences Institute Delta Epsilon Sigma International Society for Inventory Research National Computer Graphics Association Society of Data Educators Society for Information Management HONORS AND AWARDS Apr. 1987 Nominated for the Indiana University School of Business Doctoral Students Association's Inspiration and Guidance Award and Teaching Excellence Award. March 1985 Listed in Marguis, Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology, Second Edition. Aug. 1985 Named the first Distinguished Research FFellow at the Institute for Research on the Management of Information Systems, Indiana University. May 1984 Named by Beta Gamma Sigma The 1984 L.J. Buchan Distinguished Professor. Apr. 1984 Nominated for the Indiana University School of Business Doctoral Student Association's Inspiration and Guidance Award and Teaching Excellence Award.